What tests will be done after my baby is diagnosed?
After your baby has developed Hydrops Fetalis your doctor will most likely have you come in for weekly or bi-weekly ultrasounds. You also will probably need to have some blood work done. The blood tests are usually to look for any infections or antibodies from blood group incompatibility. You also may be sent to a high risk doctor for the rest of your pregnancy.
Some doctors may want an amniocentesis. This is your choice. If you already know the cause of Hydrops Fetalis (such as if parvovirus infection was noted) then this may be unnecessary/only to gain information. There are many things to consider with this procedure like how many weeks into your pregnancy you are, this procedure can trigger preterm labor. Would your baby be developed enough to survive outside the womb at this point? If you are getting an amniocentesis make sure it is necessary, that it takes place in a hospital and your doctor is well experienced.
Is there treatment?
Treatment depends on the cause.
Intrauterine blood transfusion:
This is usually for babies who are anemic. This is a type of amniocentesis. Where a long needle is guided during an ultrasound to go into the baby's umbilical cord. A sample of blood is removed then new red blood cell rich blood is given to the baby through the umbilical cord. Read More...
Pleuro Amniotic shunt placement:
This is the insertion of a small tube into the baby's chest by ultrasound guidance. This tube will let the fluid that has built up, drain out of the unborn baby's body. These are removed right after the baby is born. This is often referred to as shunts.
Often used to drain pleural effusions in a fetus during pregnancy. The procedure involves insertion of a drainage tube though the fetal chest wall into the pleural space, allowing drainage of fluid into the amniotic cavity. Different types of drainage tubes may be used.
Steroid shots:
These are given to help the development of baby's lungs, if baby had fluid in or around the lungs or if your baby might be delivered early, so doctors can treat baby in the NICU
Draining the fluid from around the baby's lung
Surgery: There are some different reasons and causes that a baby with Hydrops may need surgery after they are born.
-Babies who have a heart defect causing their Hydrops may need to have surgery after being delivered to help their heart work properly.
-Babies who have a growth or tumor.
Rarely surgery to correct abnormalities can be preformed during pregnancy
open fetal surgery for SCT and vascular tumors open fetal surgery lung masses and CCAM
open fetal cardiac intervention
Other tests that may be offered...
NIPT (Non Invasive Prenatal Testing) and the MaterniT21:Because there is tiny bits of your unborn baby's DNA in their mothers blood stream, doctors are able to draw the mothers blood and then the lab looks for "Cell Free DNA". This is a good option for parents not wanting to add the extra risk of a amniocentesis. This test will screen for common chromosomal disorders and can determine the gender of your unborn baby (Triploidy, Microdeletion, Trisomy 13, 18, and 21) Click to read more about this test from "What to Expect"
Fetal Echocardiogram