First Candle: 1-800-221-7437 available 24 hours a day
Some links that may help:
- Remembering Our Babies Memorial Keepsakes Boutique
- Angel Pics Free professional photo editing
- Little Love Foundation Online baby loss resource center (hospitals care packages, custom "Certificate of Life", and many other forms of support)
- Molly Bears Teddy bears made the exact weight that your baby was.
- Cherish my Baby (support group) on Facebook
- All That Love Can Do (support group) on Facebook
- Loved Baby: Christian baby loss support group on Facebook
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss (support group) on Facebook
- Hydrops Angels (support group) specifically for parents who have lossed a baby to hydrops diagnosis.
These sweet babies matter, they are the reason to keep researching, to keep educating health care professionals, there needs to be more done; and they are the reason why.
Heavenly Baby's stories
Baby Emma
Noah daly devine-Told by his Mother
Baby Eisley
Our Riddle Angel
There will always be someone missing
Story of Baby Carli Hope
Roses in the air: Aria Noelle Rose